Profile Image: Marc Atkinson

Marc Atkinson

from Victoria BC
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Marc Atkinson

Instruments: Guitar, Mandolin details
Marc Atkinson is a multiple award-winning, world-touring musician from Canada. Don't miss a chance to see his latest golden musical project, The Marc Atkinson Quartet. Musical alchemy would be a good way to describe all the projects that this internationally recognized master of guitar and mandolin touches. Jurgen Goethe (CBC) described the renowned Marc Atkinson Trio as "... solidly in the top ten of the world's working string trios..." The virtuosic and exuberant folk quintet that Marc co-founded, The Bills, burned a trail through North American and European music festivals and war arguably one of the best Canadian folk outfits of the last decade. Together, these two groups have seven acclaimed releases which garnered 2 Juno nominations, 2 Western Canadian Music Awards (WCMA) including Entertainer of the Year, 2 WCMA nominations, 2 Canadian Folk Music Award nominations, a 2nd place prize with the International Acoustic Music Awards to name just a few of the accolades. Marc's playing and composing is described as "jawdropping," "stunning," "dazzling," "flawless, surprise-filled and sizzling," and "remarkable." Marc has performed at festivals from Celtic Connections in Glasgow, to the Montreal International Jazz Festival, to California WorldFest, to Tonder Festival in Denmark and even for the Queen of England.

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Salamander Onsombo
80s - 90s

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