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BOXING DAY Karaoke: feat. you yah rockstar!

Thu. December 26th 2019 Copper Owl Free

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BOXING DAY Karaoke: feat. you yah rockstar!

Karaoke Wednesdays at Copper Owl! Tens of thousands of songs to choose from ...
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Thu. December 26th 2019 + Add to Calendar Copper Owl (No Minors)
9:00pm Free


feat. you yah rockstar!

Event Description

Karaoke Wednesdays at Copper Owl!

Tens of thousands of songs to choose from including indie rock, radio hits, oldies and more!!

** $5.25 Phillips on tap
** $5.25 glasses of wine
** $4.75 shots of tequila

Starts at 9pm!
19+ only, no cover!


Copper Owl
1900 Douglas Street
Bar / Nightclub
Not Accessible see details
Closed / Inactive

Event Image

BOXING DAY Karaoke: feat. you yah rockstar! @ Copper Owl Dec 26 2019 - Feb 19th @ Copper Owl

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