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LADY (P)ARTS: Samantha Agar, Jessa Dupuis, Lesley Anderson, Alesha Fowlie, KatyB...

Sun. May 12th 2019 Victoria Arts Council Free

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LADY (P)ARTS: Samantha Agar, Jessa Dupuis, Lesley Anderson, Alesha Fowlie, KatyBiele, Candis Hoey, Taryn Coulson, Amber Lomax, ROSE COWLES, Sharon Montgomery, Anna C Curtin, Dawn Pearcy, Tracy Risinger, Nathanya Vo, Andrea Soos, Shelley Wuitchick

LADY (P)ARTS >>That's What She Made...
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Sun. May 12th 2019 + Add to Calendar Victoria Arts Council (All Ages)
11:00am - 6:00pm Free


Samantha Agar
Jessa Dupuis
Lesley Anderson
Alesha Fowlie
Candis Hoey
Taryn Coulson
Abstract Geometric Painting from Victoria BC
Amber Lomax
Painting, Acrylic and Oils from Victoria BC
from Victoria BC
Sharon Montgomery
Anna C Curtin
abstract landscapes from Victoria Prince Edward Island
Dawn Pearcy
Tracy Risinger
Nathanya Vo
Andrea Soos
from Victoria BC
Shelley Wuitchick

Event Description

>>That's What She Made<<

MASTERMIND MOTTO: Make Art . Meet Your People . Do The Work

A group show featuring the talent of an all female cast of local artists who have been meeting monthly, for over a year under the umbrella of the THRIVE MASTERMIND program with member groups based in Vancouver, Victoria and online. If you'd like to know more about this program you can talk to one of the THRIVE members on any given day during the show Tuesday-Sat 11-6, May 10-31. Opening night May 10, 5-8pm.


Victoria Arts Council
The Victoria Arts is a non profit and charity established in...
1800 Store Street Victoria BC
Open / Operational

Event Image

LADY (P)ARTS: Samantha Agar, Jessa Dupuis, Lesley Anderson, Alesha Fowlie, KatyBiele, Candis Hoey, Taryn Coulson, Amber Lomax, ROSE COWLES, Sharon Montgomery, Anna C Curtin, Dawn Pearcy, Tracy Risinger, Nathanya Vo, Andrea Soos, Shelley Wuitchick @ Victoria Arts Council May 12 2019 - Feb 7th @ Victoria Arts Council

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